Study in Azerbaijan - State and Private Universities

Study in Azerbaijan - State and Private Universities.
Azərbaycanda təhsil - Xarici vətəndaşlar üçün (Gürcüstan, Rusiya, Türkiyə, Pakistan, İran və s.) imtahansız, yalnız attestatla Dövlət və Özəl Universitetlərə qəbul mümkündür.

For foreign citizens a chance to be accepted without examination the following Universities of Azerbaijan Republic:
1. Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University
2. Azerbaijan Medical University
3. Azerbaijan University of Architecture & Construction
4. Baku State University
5. Azerbaijan Technical University
6. Baku Slavic University
7. Azerbaijan University of Language
8. Azerbaijan State University of Culture & Art
9. Baku Academy of Music
10. Azerbaijan State Economic University
11. Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
12. Azerbaijan State Academy of Art
13. Azerbaijan Turizm & Management University
14. Baku Higher Oil School
15. Baku Choreography Academy
Non-State Universities:
1. Baku Business University
2. Odlar Yurdu University
3. Khazar University

For admission:
- The result of the examination is not required
- 100% guaranteed entrance
- Full recognized diplomas
- The right to defer military
Yearly tuition fee for preparatory course (foundation) is 1000$ - 4000$. In accordance with University and specialty yearly tuition fee for Bachelor and Master varies between 1450$ - 5000$.
You can contact us for information on the required documents.
Qeydiyyat və əlavə məlumat üçün
For registration and further information:
  • Paylaşmağı unutma

Səhr yaz
