.....testler_by_id_with_comments "Did you hear from the corporate office that we are going to be improving our technology and become more streamlined?" Jessie asked Todd. Todd replied, "Yes, I did. It is an ......... that blows no good. I think it means that we will be downsizing and outsourcing a lot of jobs — maybe even our own to other countries." - Testlər

Advanced english

English Slang Idioms (108). Hissə 1.

Test ID - 53966
Müəllif: Author: english-test.net (Əlavə edilib: 13.03.2010)

"Did you hear from the corporate office that we are going to be improving our technology and become more streamlined?" Jessie asked Todd. Todd replied, "Yes, I did. It is an ......... that blows no good. I think it means that we will be downsizing and outsourcing a lot of jobs — maybe even our own to other countries."

angry fan
ill wind
insidious hair drier
pompous mouth


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