Intermediate level

English Slang Idioms (85). Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51050
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 16.02.2010)

"I got the green ......... from my wife to go camping with you guys. So, lets plan on leaving around eight in the morning," Bill told his friends.



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I think the best way is to tell you a story that ..........

clears the difference
explains the difference
expounds the difference
exposes the difference

After a few minutes he ..........

attains a river
acquires a river
nears a river
reaches a river

They will buy new furniture.Translate that into Azerbaycan.

O yeni mebel aldı.
Onlar yeni mebel alırlar.
Onlar mebel alacaqlar.
Onlar yeni mebel alacaqlar.
Onlar yeni mebel almayacaqlar.