Intermediate level

English Slang Idioms (129). Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51021
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 10.02.2010)

"That kid that attacked Officer Jefferson has been put away for a long time. If he thought that he could get away with it, he was wrong. Some people are saying that the sentence he received is too long for someone that young, but if you mess with a bull, you get the .........," Officer Mills told his wife.



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Sorry, I ......... mean to be rude.


Now I can see quite clearly that the big red car has ..........

stricken the little blue one
struck the little blue one
stroked the little blue one
stuck the little blue

Mike: Just a minute what's that note .........?

gummed on the door
adhered on the door
glued on the door
stuck on the door

Choose the right sentence

I get up at 7 o'clock usually
I go to not school. Because I already finished school
I always drink milk. It makes me healthy
She don't go to school. Because She's 5
I doesn't like coffee. But my brother does

Choose the simple past

I am eating
I eating
I ate
I am ate
I eating