Intermediate level

Story (2). Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51303
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 18.10.2009)

After a long wait like that very often they would simply turn ......... everything and simply ask for a cup of tea.



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If he decides to accept that job, he ......... it for the rest of his life.

has regretted
had regretted
is regretting
will regret

If you ......... of applying for that job, my advice is: forget it.

are thinking
will think
will be thinking
would think

I really can't tell what's ..........

going on
taking off
going by
taking in

The trouble is somebody is ..........

standing to me
standing from me
standing in front of me
standing about me

Oh dear I've just discovered that the little blue one ..........

belongs to me
is belonging to me
belonged to me
has belonged to me

I think the best way is to tell you a story that…

means 'I want to'
signifies 'I want to'
shows 'I want to'
says 'I want to'

Mike: Give it to me. Very interesting! He says he broke the glass by accident and ..........

he's soundly apologetic
he's deeply apologetic
he's sorry apologetic
he's purely apologetic