Intermediate level

Do, make, get, take. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 50663
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 14.10.2011)

After they had shouted at each other, they decided to ......... it up.



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Where ......... tonight?

you go
are you going
had you gone

He told them he ......... starting work the next day.

will be
will have been
would be
would have been

Yes, now he's gone I can see that there are two cars in the car park that have ..........

gone through each one
gone by one another
gone into one another
gone into each one

Oh dear I've just discovered that the little blue one ..........

belongs to me
is belonging to me
belonged to me
has belonged to me

I want you to imagine that a man is walking ..........

in the country
on the countryside
by the countryside
over the country

In the hot sun they started to feel sleepy and very soon ..........

fell into asleep
fell into sleep
fell asleep
fell into sleepy

Choose the simple past

I am eating
I eating
I ate
I am ate
I eating

Last year I ... to school every day

was walking
had walked
have walked