Intermediate level

Verb Tenses. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51467
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 04.11.2009)

......... all right.

This is
There is
That has


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Bu testə aid şərhlər yazılmayıb. Öz şərhlərinizi göndərmək üçün yuxarıdakı "Testin izahını yazın" bölməsinə yazın.

Thought their relatives ...... in the village, they ...... to stay at here in summer vacation.

lived, prefer
preferred , live
live, prefer
will live, will prefer
are living , are preferring

He ......... silly things like this. Take no notice now.

always did
will always do
had always done
is always doing

If I ......... you, I wouldn't risk it.

had been
would be

Money doesn't grow on ..........


The man in the river keeps ..........

calling off 'I will drown, I will drown'
calling out 'I will drown, I will drown'
calling to 'I will drown, I will drown'
calling from 'I will drown, I will drown'

"To atract one\'s attention" ifadəsinin tərcüməsi hansı variantda düzgün əks olunmuşdur?

bir kəsin diqqətini cəlb etmək
Bir yerə nəzər salmaq
harasa baxmaq
kiməsə oxşamaq
əlindən gələni etmək

Choose the correct variant

I am going to school
I am go to the school
I going to school
Am i go to school
did you are going to school?