Intermediate level

What now?. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 50882
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 21.09.2009)

As Mr Andrews was about to leave he found a note pinned to his door. It was from Mary Smith advising him to be careful because she has just bought a ......... young guard dog.



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Politeness costs ..........

a lot
a little

That's better I've got a clearer ..........

sight now
view now
picture now
vision now

I want you to imagine that a man is walking ..........

in the country
on the countryside
by the countryside
over the country

The weather was perfect and the sun never ..........

stopped to shine
stopped to burn
stopped shining
stopped shone

They will buy new furniture.Translate that into Azerbaycan.

O yeni mebel aldı.
Onlar yeni mebel alırlar.
Onlar mebel alacaqlar.
Onlar yeni mebel alacaqlar.
Onlar yeni mebel almayacaqlar.
Insert Error: Table './shagird_myusers/spam_checker' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed