Intermediate level

Hot and Cold. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 50705
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 14.10.2011)

As soon as the president was taken ill, the deputy had to take charge and is currently in the hot ......... now.



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I think the best way is to tell you a story that ..........

clears the difference
explains the difference
expounds the difference
exposes the difference

In the hot sun they started to feel sleepy and very soon ..........

fell into asleep
fell into sleep
fell asleep
fell into sleepy

The northeastern state of Assam could ......... the Indian map soon.

fall behind
fall behind in
fall back on
fall off

Which is made of sand

a desert
a canal
a meadow
a field

Choose the correct variant

I am going to school
I am go to the school
I going to school
Am i go to school
did you are going to school?

I...her several times

am meeting
was meeting
have met