Elementary english

Comprehension Sentences (1). Hissə 1.

Test ID - 49524
Müəllif: Author: english-test.net (Əlavə edilib: 10.08.2011)

Delilah works at a convenience store on the weekends. .........

Delilah's job is far away.
Delilah's job is close to her house.
Delilah works Monday through Friday.
Delilah works on Saturdays and Sundays.


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My brothers … tennis.

don't play
are play
is plays
doesn't play

Don't forget to buy Monica a present. .........

Monica forgot her birthday card.
I want you to remember to Monica's address.
I want you to remember to buy Monica a gift.
Monica must buy you a gift.

Jill: 'I got that job even though you didn't think I stood a chance.'
Frank: '.........'

You always did!
You never did!
You sometimes did!
You often did!

......... is a great form of exercise.

To walking

What time do you have to pick up your toddler from daycare? .........

Take a left and then go straight.
He gets there by car.
At about 5 pm — after work.

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Külək yavaşıdı

The wind has ped
The wind is ped
The wind has gone out
The wind has stopped.