Intermediate level

Phrasal idioms with the verb 'fall'. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51415
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 30.10.2009)

Don't always ......... creating another database or a work-around program, because there may actually be a better business solution for the problem.

fall through
fall behind in
fall back on
fall out with


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Don't wait for me because I can't come yet so you ......... and I'll join you later.

go before me
go in front of me
go forwards me
go by me

There are a lot of people there in the car park and they're ..........

sailing their arms about
waving their arms about
turning their arms about
driving their arms about

Mike: Just a minute what's that note .........?

gummed on the door
adhered on the door
glued on the door
stuck on the door

Listen! Peter ... A lovely song

is singing
has sung
were singing
shall sing