Intermediate level

Phrasal Verbs used with Criminal Activity. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 50978
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 04.03.2010)

Gang life is very unforgiving. If the rules aren't followed, gang members will ......... with people they don't like.

stay away
lure away
do away
keep away


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The theme of the second film is quite simply a ......... of the first.


He told them he ......... starting work the next day.

will be
will have been
would be
would have been

......... now that I've heard what he has done to his family.

I think often of him
I think a lot of him
I don't think at all of him
I don't think much of him

Drink your coffee ......... it gets cold.

as soon as

Yes, now he's gone I can see that there are two cars in the car park that have ..........

gone through each one
gone by one another
gone into one another
gone into each one

Mike: Honestly, I did hear that kind of noise, I ..........

swear I did
assure I did
adjure I did
advise I did

I ......... possibly we could go out together, tonight.

have thought
did think
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