Intermediate level

English Slang Idioms (35). Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51098
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 19.09.2009)

He decided to shave his head because he had a cow......... at the back that stuck out no matter what he did to try to control it.



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That ......... a good idea to me.

has sounded
will sound
shall sound

If he decides to accept that job, he ......... it for the rest of his life.

has regretted
had regretted
is regretting
will regret

The best thing I suppose is to ask him ..........

to disappear
to vanish
to move
to depart

Mike: Honestly, I did hear that kind of noise, I ..........

swear I did
assure I did
adjure I did
advise I did

Mike: Give it to me. Very interesting! He says he broke the glass by accident and ..........

he's soundly apologetic
he's deeply apologetic
he's sorry apologetic
he's purely apologetic

Translate the sentence.
The train full of passencer

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