Intermediate level

At the Theatre. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 50871
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 20.09.2009)

However well written the play is, it will never succeed without outstanding ..........



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......... now that I've heard what he has done to his family.

I think often of him
I think a lot of him
I don't think at all of him
I don't think much of him

The trouble is somebody is ..........

standing to me
standing from me
standing in front of me
standing about me

After a few minutes he ..........

attains a river
acquires a river
nears a river
reaches a river

The weather was perfect and the sun never ..........

stopped to shine
stopped to burn
stopped shining
stopped shone

Choose the correct variant

I am going to school
I am go to the school
I going to school
Am i go to school
did you are going to school?