.....testler_by_id_with_comments I was told that his chances for ......... the surgery were slim and if he did make it, he was given little hope for the next 24 hours. - Testlər

Intermediate level

Phrasal idioms with the verb 'pull'. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 50953
Müəllif: Author: english-test.net (Əlavə edilib: 30.09.2009)

I was told that his chances for ......... the surgery were slim and if he did make it, he was given little hope for the next 24 hours.

pulling in
pulling out
pulling through
pulling down


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We ... go for a walk if the weather ... rainy

shan’t, is
shall, will be
are, will
don’t, isn’t
shan’t, isn’t