Intermediate level

The two Butter Frogs. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51198
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 10.10.2009)

In the hot sun they started to feel sleepy and very soon ..........

fell into asleep
fell into sleep
fell asleep
fell into sleepy


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The theme of the second film is quite simply a ......... of the first.


There are a lot of people there in the car park and they're ..........

sailing their arms about
waving their arms about
turning their arms about
driving their arms about

In the hot sun they started to feel sleepy and very soon ..........

fell into asleep
fell into sleep
fell asleep
fell into sleepy

Please mind your step when you ......... the train.

get on with
get by with
get by
get on

Deciduous trees send messages to leaves telling them when to ..........

fall through
fall behind
fall back on
fall off

Which is made of sand

a desert
a canal
a meadow
a field