.....testler_by_id_with_comments It has started to rain and I shall get ......... to the skin if I stay much longer up here. - Testlər

Intermediate level

Speaking: The Broadcast. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51402
Müəllif: Author: english-test.net (Əlavə edilib: 28.10.2009)

It has started to rain and I shall get ......... to the skin if I stay much longer up here.



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Which sentences ıs correct?

I go with food
I goes by foot
I go on foot
I go by fot
I goes

I want you to imagine that a man is walking ..........

in the country
on the countryside
by the countryside
over the country

They ran into a farm house and jumped right into a barrel of milk where they ..........

hopped and hopped in order not to sink
hopping and hopping in order not to sink
hoped and hoped in order not to sink
hoping and hoping in order not to sink

I ......... possibly we could go out together, tonight.

have thought
did think