Elementary english

Responses (5). Hissə 1.

Test ID - 48792
Müəllif: Author: english-test.net (Əlavə edilib: 29.05.2011)

Jill: 'I don't think I can stand much more of this.'
Frank: '.........'

The worst is by.
The worst is through.
The worst is over.
The worst is gone.


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... is a non-count noun. It is usually eaten in summer.


Jill: 'It's going to cost a lot of money to put right, I'm afraid.'
Frank: '.........'

It's not the end of the day.
It's not the end of the world.
It's not the end of life.
It's not the end of everything.

Do you like .........?

of dance
to dance

John: 'Your advice this morning was much appreciated.'
Sue: '.........'

All to do with service.
All part of the service.
All the section of the service.
The whole of the service.

My son hit a homerun last night! .........

Who brought the donuts?
Wow! Good for him.
I'm not sure.
That guy is strange.

Where is Laura? .........

It's in the closet.
She is very smart.
She is on vacation.

They ... forget to take their passports before leaving the house

have not to
had not
must not
had not to

It's not the words that matter ... the way you say them

so much as
too much as
asa far as
not as much as