Intermediate level

Expressions with heart: 'heartache', 'heartthrob', 'heartburn'. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51410
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 29.10.2009)

Just about everyone experiences the type of grief we call ......... at one time or another.

heart attack
heart disease


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If he decides to accept that job, he ......... it for the rest of his life.

has regretted
had regretted
is regretting
will regret

After a few minutes he ..........

attains a river
acquires a river
nears a river
reaches a river

Jane: It's some kind of note from Joe next door - no I ..........

can't make it out
can't make it off
can't make it in
can't make it on

Choose the right sentence

I get up at 7 o'clock usually
I go to not school. Because I already finished school
I always drink milk. It makes me healthy
She don't go to school. Because She's 5
I doesn't like coffee. But my brother does

We ... go for a walk if the weather ... rainy

shan’t, is
shall, will be
are, will
don’t, isn’t
shan’t, isn’t