Elementary english

Responses (4). Hissə 1.

Test ID - 48584
Müəllif: Author: english-test.net (Əlavə edilib: 15.05.2011)

Mike: 'I bet you don't know what happened at the party?'
Jane: '.........'

I will not imagine.
I do not imagine.
I must not imagine.
I can't imagine.


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Mike: We went to Paris last summer.
Jane: .........

I never go there too.
I never went there.
I never did there.
I've never been there.

He ......... money from the bank every Tuesday.


Frank: 'I hear that the Government is going to abolish income tax.'
Jill: '.........'

That is the day!
That could be the day!
That may be the day!
That'll be the day!

I liki reade ... book


Pair of trousers...Made of...

this, is, a cotton
this, is, cotton
that, are, cotton
these, are, cotton
those, is, cotton

Choose the correct variant

the weather is very changeable in the Azerbaijan in spring
the weather is finə in Azerbaijan in spring
the weather is very hot in Azerbaijan in spring
the weather is very changeable in Azerbaijan in spring
the weather is very cold in Azerbaijan in spring
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