.....testler_by_id_with_comments Mike: That doesn't prove anything. Actually I heard the sound of glass ......... in the night. - Testlər

Intermediate level

Cross Questions. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51206
Müəllif: Author: english-test.net (Əlavə edilib: 11.10.2009)

Mike: That doesn't prove anything. Actually I heard the sound of glass ......... in the night.



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The theme of the second film is quite simply a ......... of the first.


I can see from the expression on your face that you haven't ..........

got a thought
got a view
got a clue
got a suggestion

I think the best way is to tell you a story that…

means 'I want to'
signifies 'I want to'
shows 'I want to'
says 'I want to'

Suddenly the sound of a cat meowing ..........

made them awake
made them waken
made them waking
made them wake up

Jack ... ill yesterday and he ... to school

was, come
is, come
was didn’t come
is, doesn’t come
was, comes

I...her several times

am meeting
was meeting
have met

Translate the sentence.
The train full of passencer

Qatar adamla dolu idi
Qatar sərnisinlə doludur
Qatarda sərnişinlər çoxdur
Sərnişinlər qatarda idilər
Qatar sərnişinlərlə dolu olacaq