.....testler_by_id_with_comments My son is very diligent pupil. This summer he... a lot of books - Testlər

Elementary english

Grammar Questions. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 57426
Müəllif: daniz (Əlavə edilib: 14.09.2013)

My son is very diligent pupil. This summer he... a lot of books

has read
had read
will read
is reading


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Mike: 'I could try another source if you like.'
Jane: '.........'

There's no point.
There's no end.
There's no idea.
There's no angle.

......... drive to work often?

does you
You do
Do you
How you

Are you ......... to Montana tomorrow?


Let's meet at the coffee shop down the road. .........

OK. That sounds great.
OK. I'll pick it up at 5 pm.
Sure, I can finish the report on time.
I'd like it with sugar and cream, please.

What time should I call you? .........

You should give her some time.
Call me at 6 pm.
You should call off the meeting.
Why are you calling him names?

Paul ......... two packs of cigarettes per day.

to smoke