Intermediate level

Phrasal idioms with the verb 'pull'. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 50962
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 30.09.2009)

One of the most memorable images of the war was created when U.S. troops ......... the statue of Saddam Hussein in Fardus Square.

pulled over
pulled out
pulled through
pulled down


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He ......... silly things like this. Take no notice now.

always did
will always do
had always done
is always doing

Do you know the difference .........?

between will and shall
of will and shall
from will and shall
by will and shall

I think the best way is to tell you a story that ..........

clears the difference
explains the difference
expounds the difference
exposes the difference

"To atract one\'s attention" ifadəsinin tərcüməsi hansı variantda düzgün əks olunmuşdur?

bir kəsin diqqətini cəlb etmək
Bir yerə nəzər salmaq
harasa baxmaq
kiməsə oxşamaq
əlindən gələni etmək essay last month

were writing
had written
had been writing