Intermediate level

Do you mind?. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 50720
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 14.10.2011)

She was slowly going ......... her mind with worry until she heard her daughter was safe and well.

past by
in to
out of
straight through


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He ......... silly things like this. Take no notice now.

always did
will always do
had always done
is always doing

Come on tell me honestly what you ......... to do now.

are wanting
will want

I'll cook supper ......... I come home.

as soon as

Mike: Just a minute what's that note .........?

gummed on the door
adhered on the door
glued on the door
stuck on the door

Please mind your step when you ......... the train.

get on with
get by with
get by
get on

I ......... come if I had had time.

would have

Choose the right sentence

I get up at 7 o'clock usually
I go to not school. Because I already finished school
I always drink milk. It makes me healthy
She don't go to school. Because She's 5
I doesn't like coffee. But my brother does