Intermediate level

Phrasal idioms with the verb 'pull'. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 50958
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 30.09.2009)

The M4 bisects the Downs and the rest of the county from east to west. The noise affects a wide area either side of the motorway and can ......... real estate prices.

pull over
pull out
pull through
pull down


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Where ......... tonight?

you go
are you going
had you gone

Strike while the iron is ..........


There is a man in the river fully clothed who is ..........

in problems
in hardships
in difficulties
in hazards

Jane: Sorry you can protest if you like but it doesn't ..........

break any ice with me
cut any ice with me
freeze any ice with me
make any ice with me

Mike: Give it to me. Very interesting! He says he broke the glass by accident and ..........

he's soundly apologetic
he's deeply apologetic
he's sorry apologetic
he's purely apologetic