Intermediate level

English Slang Idioms (26). Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51104
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 20.09.2009)

The military formation moved as one ..........



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Where ......... tonight?

you go
are you going
had you gone

My advice to you is to make your mind up before it's too late and simply ..........

take the opportunity soon
take the opportunity fairly
take the opportunity now
take the opportunity slowly

The best thing I suppose is to ask him ..........

to disappear
to vanish
to move
to depart

Yes, now he's gone I can see that there are two cars in the car park that have ..........

gone through each one
gone by one another
gone into one another
gone into each one

They found plenty of food and decided to stop and ..........

take rest
take a rest
take resting
take rested

Jane: It's some kind of note from Joe next door - no I ..........

can't make it out
can't make it off
can't make it in
can't make it on

Siz şəhəri istədiyiniz vaxtda tərk edə bilərsiniz

you can to leave the city any time you want
you must leave the city when you want
you may leave the city any time you want
you may to leave the city when you want
you might to leave the city when you want