Intermediate level

Story (1). Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51312
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 19.10.2009)

The other problem had been to turn ......... an old tramp who had lived in a room upstairs for two years without the knowledge of the old lady who was the original owner.

aside from


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I dare ......... you're right.


The trouble is somebody is ..........

standing to me
standing from me
standing in front of me
standing about me

Now I can see quite clearly that the big red car has ..........

stricken the little blue one
struck the little blue one
stroked the little blue one
stuck the little blue

There is a man in the river fully clothed who is ..........

in problems
in hardships
in difficulties
in hazards

A wise man once said that a change is almost ......... a holiday.

as good as
as long as
as soon as
as much as

"To atract one\'s attention" ifadəsinin tərcüməsi hansı variantda düzgün əks olunmuşdur?

bir kəsin diqqətini cəlb etmək
Bir yerə nəzər salmaq
harasa baxmaq
kiməsə oxşamaq
əlindən gələni etmək