Intermediate level

Expressions with 'ill': 'ill at ease', 'ill-mannered'. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51326
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 21.10.2009)

The president clearly felt a little ......... with some of the protesters' rhetoric, but he eventually agreed to talk to them.

ill gotten
ill mannered
ill at ease
ill advised


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Sorry, I ......... mean to be rude.


He ......... silly things like this. Take no notice now.

always did
will always do
had always done
is always doing

Sadly the smaller frog grew tired and drowned but the older one kept on moving about and in the morning ..........

found he was sat on a barrel of butter
found he sat on a barrel of butter
found he was sitting on a barrel of butter
found he sits on a barrel of butter