Intermediate level

Eating Out. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51172
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 07.10.2009)

The success of a really good meal is that not only must it taste good but it should also look good and thus ......... to your eye.



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That ......... a good idea to me.

has sounded
will sound
shall sound

Now that they have read it in ........., they believe me.

red and blue
blue and red
white and black
black and white

Oh dear I've just discovered that the little blue one ..........

belongs to me
is belonging to me
belonged to me
has belonged to me

I can see from the expression on your face that you haven't ..........

got a thought
got a view
got a clue
got a suggestion

The man in the river keeps ..........

calling off 'I will drown, I will drown'
calling out 'I will drown, I will drown'
calling to 'I will drown, I will drown'
calling from 'I will drown, I will drown'

Jane: Sorry you can protest if you like but it doesn't ..........

break any ice with me
cut any ice with me
freeze any ice with me
make any ice with me

A wise man once said that a change is almost ......... a holiday.

as good as
as long as
as soon as
as much as

I ......... possibly we could go out together, tonight.

have thought
did think