Elementary english

Modal Verbs. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 55889
Müəllif: Author: english-test.net (Əlavə edilib: 03.08.2012)

They ......... do their homework today because it is a holiday at the school.

must not
don't have
don't have to


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Currently, she ......... in California.


Anna is ..........

a teacher
one teacher

Brown bears are very fast. Some can reach speeds up to 35 ......... when running.

miles per hour
gallons per minute
liters per second

Is this a decent place? .........

Yes, it's quite nice.
Yes, it's really noisy.
I have to use the elevator.
You have to go down the stairs.

Our neighbor's dog was hit by a car yesterday. .........

Oh, how wonderful!
Oh, that's terrible.
How did you do that?
I got a speeding ticket.

My son is very diligent pupil. This summer he... a lot of books

has read
had read
will read
is reading

Which lettters are ommited in the word. D-n - - -s

e g a o u r
a g e r o l
a g e r o u
a n e d f

He... Television, but he does not... the programme

watch, likes
watch, like
watches, likes
watches, like