Intermediate level

The two Butter Frogs. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51201
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 10.10.2009)

They ran into a farm house and jumped right into a barrel of milk where they ..........

hopped and hopped in order not to sink
hopping and hopping in order not to sink
hoped and hoped in order not to sink
hoping and hoping in order not to sink


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Come on tell me honestly what you ......... to do now.

are wanting
will want

I...her several times

am meeting
was meeting
have met

Siz şəhəri istədiyiniz vaxtda tərk edə bilərsiniz

you can to leave the city any time you want
you must leave the city when you want
you may leave the city any time you want
you may to leave the city when you want
you might to leave the city when you want