Intermediate level

The Ants and the Grasshopper. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51258
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 14.10.2009)

They were so ......... in their work that they didn't notice a grasshopper.



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......... us that story again!


I want you to imagine that a man is walking ..........

in the country
on the countryside
by the countryside
over the country

They panicked and ..........

flew for their lives
fled for their lives
flowed for their lives
fleeing for their lives

Sadly the smaller frog grew tired and drowned but the older one kept on moving about and in the morning ..........

found he was sat on a barrel of butter
found he sat on a barrel of butter
found he was sitting on a barrel of butter
found he sits on a barrel of butter

Jane: It's some kind of note from Joe next door - no I ..........

can't make it out
can't make it off
can't make it in
can't make it on

We are interested in getting information about these goods

The boy jumped on to the step of a moving tram
The little boy followed him, changing the bag from hand to hand
Everything depends on your taking the necessary steps in time
One day he saw a group of soldiers marching along one of the quiet streets

"To atract one\'s attention" ifadəsinin tərcüməsi hansı variantda düzgün əks olunmuşdur?

bir kəsin diqqətini cəlb etmək
Bir yerə nəzər salmaq
harasa baxmaq
kiməsə oxşamaq
əlindən gələni etmək

I...her several times

am meeting
was meeting
have met