Intermediate level

Expressions with 'ill': 'ill at ease', 'ill-mannered'. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51327
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 21.10.2009)

To end suffering completely, one must remove desire, ......... and ignorance.

ill will
ill manners
ill timing
ill at ease


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If you ......... of applying for that job, my advice is: forget it.

are thinking
will think
will be thinking
would think

I want to finish my work ......... we go out.

as soon as

Choose the right sentence

I get up at 7 o'clock usually
I go to not school. Because I already finished school
I always drink milk. It makes me healthy
She don't go to school. Because She's 5
I doesn't like coffee. But my brother does

We happy since Roger returned

will be
are being
have been