Intermediate level

Phrasal idioms with the verb 'get'. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51337
Müəllif: Author: (Əlavə edilib: 22.10.2009)

Train passengers wishing to go to the football match were advised to ......... the train at the next stop.

get on with
get off
get in
get on


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Thought their relatives ...... in the village, they ...... to stay at here in summer vacation.

lived, prefer
preferred , live
live, prefer
will live, will prefer
are living , are preferring

I ......... possibly we could go out together, tonight.

have thought
did think

Now that they have read it in ........., they believe me.

red and blue
blue and red
white and black
black and white

The grass is always ......... on the other side.


I think the best way is to tell you a story that…

means 'I want to'
signifies 'I want to'
shows 'I want to'
says 'I want to'

The weather was perfect and the sun never ..........

stopped to shine
stopped to burn
stopped shining
stopped shone

Jane: It's some kind of note from Joe next door - no I ..........

can't make it out
can't make it off
can't make it in
can't make it on

Deciduous trees send messages to leaves telling them when to ..........

fall through
fall behind
fall back on
fall off