.....testler_by_id_with_comments What made things worse, he continued, was that the house dog never ......... part in any of the hunting. - Testlər

Intermediate level

The Two Dogs. Hissə 1.

Test ID - 51268
Müəllif: Author: english-test.net (Əlavə edilib: 15.10.2009)

What made things worse, he continued, was that the house dog never ......... part in any of the hunting.



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He ......... silly things like this. Take no notice now.

always did
will always do
had always done
is always doing

If you ......... of applying for that job, my advice is: forget it.

are thinking
will think
will be thinking
would think

They ran into a farm house and jumped right into a barrel of milk where they ..........

hopped and hopped in order not to sink
hopping and hopping in order not to sink
hoped and hoped in order not to sink
hoping and hoping in order not to sink

The northeastern state of Assam could ......... the Indian map soon.

fall behind
fall behind in
fall back on
fall off

Which is made of sand

a desert
a canal
a meadow
a field

Choose the right sentence

I get up at 7 o'clock usually
I go to not school. Because I already finished school
I always drink milk. It makes me healthy
She don't go to school. Because She's 5
I doesn't like coffee. But my brother does

They...an essay last month

were writing
had written
had been writing